Senin, 28 November 2016

Requesting Service & Confirming Service

Inquiry letter is a letter of request, also known as a letter of the candidate. Which will be sent to companies. Request letter is a letter from a prospective buyer to the seller requesting information products offered. With a quote from the seller then potential buyers will know the price and a information of the items or services to be purchased. This is the purpose of the prospective buyer a write request letter to the seller. When the prospective buyer has to know the condition of an item or services following the price and term of sale and purchase, of course he does not need anymore request a quote from the seller. Letter of inquiry required in formal trade requiring formal procedures in writing. The letter of inquiry is often an early stage of the business transaction. By the letter of inquiry prospective buyers ask or inquiry about the items or service to be purchased. In response, the seller expalined the things he want to know the buyer, buyer’s reservation and eventually business transaction as the end of the buying and selling process
In the letter of inquiry for the items usually offer prospective buyers ask :
1.      Specification of items, namely : type, size, quality, capacity, etc.
2.      The price per unit.
3.      How to pay
4.      How to surrender, and
5.      Easy that may be obtained by the buyer, such as guarantees and other.

In addition to things mentioned above prospective buyers asking price lists and catalogs (if the items varies), and a technical description of the items in the form of leaflet or brochures. For items that are possible, prospective buyers can also request sent examples of the real stuff.
Through a letter of inquiry and supply service, prospecitve buyers can inquiry :
1.      The form of services that can be presented by the seller.
2.      Equipment that can be used by the seller as a support (If any)
3.      Price
4.      Piece and
5.      How to pay



References (25th November 2016)

Selasa, 08 November 2016

Appoinment Call and Advertising E-mail


John : Hello, Good morning
Diana : Hello, Cantik Merchndise Co. Good morning, can i help you?
John : Yes, could I speak to Ms. Hana, please?
Diana : Who's calling?
John : My name is John
Diana : Ok, Mr.John hold on a sec i'll transfer your call
John : Thank you.
Hana : Hello, John ! Whats up?
John : Hai, Hana ! How do you do?
Hana : I'm fine thanks, how about you?
John : I'm fine thanks. By the way can we meet tomorrow at 7 PM?
Hana : Sure John ! where?
John : Hm.. How about Starbucks Coffee?
Hana : Okay , I'll see you there John !

John : Hello, Good morning
Diana : Hello, Cantik Merchndise Co. Good morning, can i help you?
John : Yes, could I speak to Ms. Hana, please?
Diana : Who's calling?
John : My name is John
Diana : Ok, Mr.John hold on a sec i'll transfer your call
John : Thank you.
Diana : Sorry Mr. John I think her line is busy. Can i help you to take a message for her?
John : Yes please, Tell her that I'm sorry i'd like to cancel my appoinment today. i wont be able to make it. she's should call me if she's not busy.
Diana : Okay Sir. i'll pass the message to Ms. Hana
John : Thank you. Good morning
Diana : Good Morning


References (07/11/2016)